Here on our farm we manage a small flock of Sizzles. Sizzles make excellent pets and broody hens. They are very decorative and unique chickens.
Sizzles are well known for their calm personalities!
Sizzles are well known for their calm personalities!
Our Sizzle Hens "Black Beauty" & "Gracie"
What is a Sizzle?
A Sizzle is a cross between a Frizzled Cochin and a Silkie. They will have regular (hard) feathers but all the other characteristics of a Silkie. (Five toes, blue skin, silkie comb). Sizzles can come in smooth or frizzled feathers.. While they are not a recognized breed yet, they are gaining in popularity.
Our Original Silkie Rooster "Sweetie"
Sweetie was our main breeder for many years. He has the BEST personalty of any rooster! However, he is no longer producing chicks. He is at least 7 years old. We have many of his daughters in our flock now.