Hinote TS Carry A Tune *D ~ "Tune" (twin)
(She earned her AGS milk star on a ONE DAY TEST!! )
Tune is SOLD
(She earned her AGS milk star on a ONE DAY TEST!! )
Tune is SOLD
ADGA #: D1750989
AGS #: D-80102 Born on: July 29, 2015 Moon Spots Health Testing: CAE Negative Kidding History: 2017 - Triplet Bucks Tune is SOLD! Pretty side view of the udder on this doe but her teats wing out considerably. She is a super heavy milker and VERY easy to milk. Large plump teats! Not fond of her very skittish and wild personality. She also feels very short in body for my preference. I prefer long bodied does. First Freshening - 12 Hour Fill
Sire: TimberWood Turtle Soup *S
Dam: HiNote BB Moonlight Music 2*M