Harlequin BJ Rocky Road *B - "Rocky" (Triplet)
2015 LA +VV "84"
2014 LA ++E "82"
Rocky is now living @ Double Wing Dairy
ADGA: D1642118 AGS: D-67295 *DNA ON FILE* Born: Feb. 26, 2013 Height: 21.5" at 1 year old He has Blue Eyes & Wattles! View His Extended Pedigree Here CAE, CL & Johne's Negative ~ 2013 Rocky is SOLD! Lovely buck who REALLY increased rear udder height in all of his daughters. However, I am not fond of his front feet/legs. He toe's really splay and point out (East/West!). |
DD: SGCH/ARMCH Agape Oaks Oreo 5*D 2*M
2012 Linear Appraisal: EEEE 91 2011 DHI: 342 DIM,860 lb, 61 lb fat, 41 lb protein |
DS: Flat Rocks Gem's Legacy *B
2008 Linear Appraisal +VE 86 |
SS: CRF Castle Rock Harvest Moon *S