
Nina is Tina's sister. Nina is a very nice little doe! Structurally she is very correct. She has a silky smooth udder with a great attachment. She has moderately sized teats that are very easy to milk. For an unregistered family milker I feel Nina is VERY nice quality.
2013 DHI Milk Test Results
221 days in milk ~ 502lbs of milk ~ 30lbs butterfat ~ 22lbs protein Nina's 2013 lactation was cut a little short because a buck escaped and bred her. We started drying her up much sooner then normal because she was HUGE. She ended up kidding with QUADS! However, with the numbers she did milk, she could have earned her milk star in both ADGA & AGS IF she was registered. Sadly, Nina can never be registered so she will never officially earn a milk star. |